Survey: Progressives Least Likely to Take Pride in America

El Paso International Airport / Getty Images
December 17, 2020

A December survey from the international organization More in Common showed that people on the far left are most likely to report negative feelings about being American.

Just 34 percent of the most left-wing respondents—a group More in Common terms "progressive activists"—said they agree with the statement "I feel proud to be American." Progressive activists are the only ideological group in the survey who agreed with that statement at a rate below 60 percent.

The results contrast with other respondent groups, including minorities in America and Americans identifying as politically conservative. Seventy percent of black Americans and 76 percent of Hispanic Americans reported feeling pride in being American. White Americans were comparable, with 75 percent reporting patriotic pride.

The vast majority of respondents identified as "devoted conservatives" said they believe America is a better nation than most others, and 100 percent of them said they take pride in their American identity.

Overall, 80 percent of respondents surveyed said they are thankful to be American. More than two-thirds of respondents reported feeling a connection to their local communities and fellow Americans. The weakest sense of belonging came from progressive activists and younger respondents.

Older respondents were also far more likely to report feeling patriotic pride, a trend that has been in progress for years. A Gallup poll published over the summer found that just 20 percent of adults between 18 and 29 years of age feel "extremely proud to be American." This was the sixth consecutive year of overall decline in the survey.

Published under: socialism