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Poll: Plurality of Democrats Credit Trump, Not Obama, for State of Economy

A plurality of Democrats believe President Donald Trump deserves credit for the current state of the economy, rather than former President Barack Obama, according to a new poll.

The Quinnipiac University poll, released on Wednesday, found that 46 percent of Democrats believe Trump is more responsible for the current state of the U.S. economy, compared to 43 percent who believe Obama deserves credit. The results also showed that a majority of Republicans, 67 percent, and nearly half of Independents, 49 percent, agree.

Overall, 54 percent of respondents said Trump is more responsible for the state of the economy, while 34 percent said Obama is more responsible.

The poll's results come as the nation has witnessed extensive job growth since Trump took office last year. In February alone, the economy added 313,000 new jobs—the strongest showing since July 2016. The nation's unemployment rate has remained stable at 4.1 percent, a 17-year low.

The Quinnipiac results also come on the heels of a report released by the Department of Commerce showing that, one month after the Republican tax reform law was implemented, U.S. workers witnessed the largest surge in disposable income since 2015.

In a surprising note from the poll, more female respondents (55 percent) said they believe Trump is responsible for the state of the economy than their male counterparts (53 percent).

The new poll seems to reaffirm a Gallup Poll from last November that found the number of Americans who were worried about the economy were at the lowest levels in 18 years.