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CNN Botches Coverage of Terror Attack on Israeli Synagogue

CNN flubbed its coverage of the terrorist attack on an Israeli synagogue Tuesday, using a chyron that read "Deadly Attack on Jerusalem Mosque" over video of Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barakat speaking about the deadly attacks that left four Israelis (three of whom were Israeli-Americans) dead.

"The slaughter of innocent people while they're praying in a synagogue--there's no doubt in my mind, it's not even murderers, because animals don't even behave like this," Barakat said. "To get into a synagogue with a butcher knife and slaughter innocent people while they pray..."

Despite the fact that Barakat said "synagogue" multiple times, the sharp producers of the early-morning CNN broadcast made no effort to change the incorrect chyron.

Later, CNN featured another misleading chyron during its coverage of the attack--carried out by two Palestinians who were subsequently shot and killed by Israeli police--choosing to highlight the phrase "Police Shot, Killed Two Palestinians" and emblazon it across the screen as CNN Jerusalem correspondent Ben Wedeman gave an update on the attacks:

CNN's chyron echoes another misleading headline from the Associated Press on October 22, when the news service ran the headline "Israeli police shoot man in East Jerusalem" after that man killed a three-month-old Israeli child by ramming his car into a group of Israeli civilians in Jerusalem.