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Blago to Kids: 'Stay out of Politics'

ANCHOR: Rod Blagojevich is getting his last full day of freedom before reporting to prison tomorrow.

ANCHOR: He will spend the day with his family before leaving for Colorado. ABC 7's Jessica D’Onofrio is live outside the former governor of Chicago's home.

REPORTER: Good morning. It is his last full day of freedom, a day to spend with his wife and two children before he heads off to federal prison in Colorado.

ROB BLAGOJEVICH: Don't give up. Don’t lose faith. Never give in. Never despair. You guys doing all right? Stay out of politics!

REPORTER: Rod Blagojevich spoke to a supporter and neighborhood children as he arrived at his home last night. In his final days before he begins serving his prison sentence, the convicted former governor has been spending time with his wife, Patti, and two daughters. And we're learning more about what life will be like for Blagojevich when he checks into the federal prison just outside Denver. One person who has been through the prison says his first two hours might be the toughest. Blagojevich will be strip-searched, photographed and fingerprinted and then fill out forms and undergo medical and psychological exams.

PRISON CONSULTANT: They will strip him naked. They will make him stand up against the wall and look at the bottom of his feet.

REPORTER: Larry Levine, a former federal prison inmate, now makes his living helping convicts prepare for prison life. He says Blagojevich is in for a change.

PRISON CONSULTANT: For someone like him who’s used to being in charge, it is very demeaning.

REPORTER: Blagojevich loved the media spotlight leading up to his two trials will be in the spotlight once again today. He plans to make a statement at around 5:00 this evening outside his home here, but we don't know exactly what he will say or how long he will talk. Live in Ravenswood Force Manor, Jessica D’Onofrio.