WATCH: Joe Biden's Senior Moment of the Week (Vol. 28)

'More than half the women in my administration are women'

February 3, 2023

President Joe Biden was on fire this week, really setting the bar high for next week's State of the Union address.

• He praised a Manhattan tunnel project that is somewhere between "1.4 million miles" and "1.4 miles" long. It will be a boon, he said, for "computer rails" that bring workers into the city from across the "rivel" in New Jersey. The project will create "72,000 good-playing jobs" and reduce "puleetion," according to the president.

• "More than half the women in my administration are women," he bragged at a White House event with former president Bill Clinton, who left office in 2001 but is still four years younger than Biden (and looks decades younger by comparison).

• Biden touted the success of the "Family and Medical and Leave Act," honored the memory of "Frederick Doug," and recalled the damage wrought by "Super Sorm Standy." He is the oldest president in American history.

Have a great weekend!


WATCH: Biden's Senior Moment of the Week Vol. 1

WATCH: Biden's Senior Moment of the Week Vol. 2

WATCH: Biden's Senior Moment of the Week Vol. 3

WATCH: Biden's Senior Moment of the Week Vol. 4

WATCH: Biden's Senior Moment of the Week Vol. 5

WATCH: Biden's Senior Moment of the Week Vol. 6

WATCH: Biden's Senior Moment of the Week Vol. 7

WATCH: Biden's Senior Moment of the Week Vol. 8

WATCH: Biden's Senior Moment of the Week Vol. 9

WATCH: Biden's Senior Moment of the Week Vol. 10

WATCH: Biden's Senior Moment of the Week Vol. 11

WATCH: Biden's Senior Moment of the Week Vol. 12

WATCH: Biden's Senior Moment of the Week Vol. 13

WATCH: Biden's Senior Moment of the Week Vol. 14

WATCH: Biden's Senior Moment of the Week Vol. 15

WATCH: Biden's Senior Moment of the Week Vol. 16

WATCH: Biden's Senior Moment of the Week Vol. 17

WATCH: Biden's Senior Moment of the Week Vol. 18

WATCH: Biden's Senior Moment of the Week Vol. 19

WATCH: Biden's Senior Moment of the Week Vol. 20

WATCH: Biden's Senior Moment of the Week Vol. 21

WATCH: Biden's Senior Moment of the Week Vol. 22

WATCH: Biden's Senior Moment of the Week Vol. 23

WATCH: Biden's Senior Moment of the Week Vol. 24

WATCH: Biden's Senior Moment of the Week Vol. 25

WATCH: Biden's Senior Moment of the Week Vol. 26

WATCH: Biden's Senior Moment of the Week Vol. 27