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Steyer: We Need to Impeach Trump Before He Becomes as Bad as Hitler

Billionaire liberal activist Tom Steyer said Thursday President Donald Trump was a talented communicator similar to Adolf Hitler, adding he wanted Trump impeached before he did the kind of harm Hitler did.

Steyer has spent tens of millions of dollars on a national impeachment campaign against Trump and put on town halls across the country to promote his efforts and rally Democrats.

A town hall participant in Iowa told Steyer that Trump reminded her of Hitler, saying the Nazi leader also tore families apart.

"[Trump] really is an incredibly skillful and talented communicator. He really is, which Hitler was, too," Steyer said. "I think the reason people push back against the Hitler comparison, regardless of any similarities, is Hitler ended up killing millions and millions of people, and Mr. Trump has shown a disregard for our law, he breaks the law ... But he hasn't killed millions of people."

The crowd broke out into murmurs at the remarks, which one person seemingly replying "yet" to Steyer's last remark.

"I agree! Look, that's why we want to impeach him!" Steyer said, waving his hand at the crowd. "We'd like to end it here while it's still OK. I think that’s why people push back so hard, because that is a very big difference. We haven’t gotten to that point. God bless us, let’s hope we never get anywhere near that point."

Steyer's impeachment campaign has irked national Democrats, notably House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.), who views Steyer's efforts as a distraction as the party tries to win back the House in the 2018 midterms.