Schake Dodges on Clinton’s Poor Poll Numbers on Trustworthiness

August 2, 2016

Kristina Schake, the deputy communications director for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, dodged a question Tuesday from MSNBC host Kate Snow on how Clinton can overcome her low poll numbers showing that most Americans view the Democratic nominee as dishonest and untrustworthy.

"This is coming as Clinton still deals with some trust issues. There’s a recent CNN poll that found that 68 percent of Americans say that she’s not honest and trustworthy," Snow said. "How do you get that number up if people still have this perception that she’s not fully being truthful?"

Schake did not address the poll or Clinton’s trust issues, instead talking about the Democratic National Convention and campaign talking points.

"Well, you know, I think what we saw last week, we had a great convention in Philadelphia," Schake said. "You saw speaker after speaker get up and talk about the Hillary Clinton they know–her values, her life long fights on behalf of children and families, and she herself talked about what she cares about, what she’s fought for her entire life, and what she’d do as America’s president.

"And that’s really important for her to get out there on the campaign trail, listen to people, share with them her experiences, her values, and talk about the real difference she would make in their lives," Schake continued.

Snow did not ask any follow-up questions to press Schake and ended the interview after the response.