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Pelosi Calls GOP Tax Reform 'Armageddon'

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Cali.) expressed dramatic concern over the Republican tax reform bill during a press conference on Monday, calling it "Armageddon."

When asked if the GOP tax plan is as apocalyptic as Democrats have made it out to be because "many people are getting a very modest tax cut," Pelosi said it was.

"The debate on health care is life, death. This is Armageddon," Pelosi said. "This is a very big deal, because you know why? There's really a very hard way to come back from this."

Pelosi did not make clear if she misspoke by referencing health care when asked about tax reform, or if she was referencing the repeal of Obamacare’s individual mandate.

"They take us further, more deeply into debt. What can you do but raise taxes," Pelosi said.

"They throw a few crumbs to the middle class. What they give with one hand they take away in bounty with the other," Pelosi added. "And why? Because it is in there DNA to give tax cuts to the rich. That's their purpose in coming to Congress."

Later in the press conference, Pelosi returned to the podium to clear up her comments surrounding the Republican tax bill.

"The only reason it isn’t the end of the world is because America is a great country and the greatness of America and the fact that God is always with us is what give us hope," Pelosi said.