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MSNBC's Katy Tur Writes Trump's Victory Almost Made Her Vomit

MSNBC reporter Katy Tur writes in her new book that she could feel "bile in the back of my throat" upon hearing Donald Trump had won the presidency in 2016.

In her book Unbelievable recounting her time covering Trump's stunning presidential run, Tur describes feeling disoriented, nauseous, and fearful that Trump would not respect term limits after learning he had defeated Hillary Clinton, the Hill reported Wednesday.

 "The room goes wavy. My stomach churns," Tur says. "I can feel the bile in the back of my throat."

"I've heard him insult a war hero, brag about grabbing women by the pussy, denigrate the judicial system, demonize immigrants, fight with the pope, doubt the democratic process, advocate torture and war crimes, tout the size of his junk in a presidential debate, trash the media, and endanger my life," Tur continued.

Tur, 33, adds she fears Trump will be in office 27 years from now at age 98 because he'll find a way to avoid the two-term limit.

"Does anyone really believe he'll respect term limits? I have a vision of myself at sixty, Trump at a hundred, in some midwestern convention hall. The children of his 2016 supporters are spitting on me," Tur writes.

Tur, whose book was released Tuesday, had almost no political reporting experience before being assigned to cover Trump in 2015. Her coverage and Trump's occasional mockery of her at rallies drove her to national prominence. She now has a daytime MSNBC anchoring gig and also fills in for Chuck Todd on "Meet The Press Daily."

Tur has said she does not count herself among the president's critics.

"Respectfully, senator, I don't count myself among Donald Trump's critics. I count myself as a journalist," Tur said in March to Sen. Jim Inhofe (R., Okla.).