Confused Dem Candidate Clueless On His Own Stance on Keystone

September 3, 2014

In a debate to replace retiring Virginia congressman Frank Wolf (R.), Democratic candidate John Faust fumbled and stumbled when it came to his indecisive stance on the Keystone XL pipeline in an America Rising video.

Faust’s opponent, Virginia Delegate Barbara Comstock (R.) lured Faust into the first of his three different positions of the pipeline by citing his first public stance on Keystone.

"We need a fact check on my opponent's last answer on the Keystone pipeline -- I'm not sure where you came up with that position," Faust said. Comstock responded that she was quoting Faust's own words.

"I do want to point out that you had opposed Keystone, but if you supported it in the spirit of bipartisanship, I welcome you to the large colition that supports it," Comstock said. "I'm not sure of the position you're in, but I do very much the 20,000 shovel-ready jobs," she said.

Faust's most impressive tongue twister was when he agreed to the jobs Keystone provided, but the opposed its impact on the environment and could not support the job creation that the project would produce.

"On Keystone, I want those jobs. It has been demonstrated that the pipeline will have a dramatic impact and adverse effect on the environment; I will not be able to support those jobs," Faust said.

Published under: 2014 Election , Keystone