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Biden on Clinton: 'I Never Thought She Was the Correct Candidate'

Former Vice President Joe Biden reportedly slammed failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton during a speech in Las Vegas on Thursday.

Biden's characterization of Clinton as the wrong candidate came while speaking at the SkyBridge Capital event according to the Huffington Post.

While discussing Clinton's 2016 candidacy, Biden told the crowd, "I never thought she was the correct candidate. I thought I was the correct candidate," according to a tweet from Fusion reporter Hamilton Nolan.

The audience reportedly applauded at the line attacking Clinton.

Biden also refused to rule out his own presidential bid in 2020. "Could I run? Yes. Will I? Probably not but—I may very well do it," he said according to a separate tweet.

Biden added that Obama never had any scandals.

This is not the first shot at the former secretary of state from Biden.

In March he appeared to attack Clinton for ignoring the middle class during the election saying, "This is the first campaign that I can recall where my party did not talk about what it always stood for, and that is how to maintain a burgeoning middle class."

Clinton's defeat at the hands of Donald Trump surprised many in the media, as polling had consistently shown her with a lead heading into November.