Barney Frank: Biden 'Can't Keep His Mouth Shut or His Hands to Himself'

Barney Frank finally said something conservatives can agree with: Joe Biden needs to quit it with his antics.

The retired Congressman spoke on PolitiKING with Larry King Tuesday. King asked Frank to give his opinion on Joe Biden.

"Talented and lacks discipline. Joe is his own worst enemy," Frank said.

The former congressman from Massachusetts scolded the vice president for so often giving into his impulses. While Frank said Biden is genuine and right on the issues, he creates unnecessary distractions.

"But he just—he can’t keep his mouth shut or his hands to himself," Frank said.

Frank was referring to Biden’s knack for peculiar statements to the wrong people at the worst possible times and his encounters with women, including the wives of cabinet members.

Biden’s behavior, relaxed demeanor, and loose lips have turned him into an endearing figure in American politics, characterized as the "crazy uncle" by both the left and right.

Frank, also considered a loudmouth, said Biden’s gaffes have turned him into the butt of jokes rather than the serious politician he could have been.

"It’s out of good intentions, but I think he has unfortunately diminished people’s perception of his abilities," Frank said.