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State Dept Spox Grilled After Admitting 'No Intention' to Examine Undisclosed Clinton Donors

The State Department announced Thursday that it would not review the 1,100 undisclosed donors to the Clinton Foundation that violated the Memorandum of Understanding signed by Hillary Clinton.

"We’re not going to make a retroactive review on these cases and we will not make a retroactive judgment," State Department spokesman Jeff Rathke said.

The AP’s Matt Lee, however, would not allow the statement go unchallenged.

"The reason you are not aware of anything is because the building is refusing to go back and look at it to see if there is anything that might raise a flag," Lee said.

Rathke said the media was operating on speculation. Lee countered that the department was not interested in finding violations because Clinton is no longer at the helm.

"It’s almost as if they had an agreement that they didn’t follow through on but since she is no longer the Secretary of State you’re saying—well, that doesn’t apply anymore and so it just doesn’t matter," Lee said.

The observation came shortly after Rathke said Clinton and her team were no longer at the State Department and referred a line of inquiries to the campaign or the Clinton Foundation.

Reporters in the room charged that the State Department’s decisions were politically motivated because Hillary Clinton is running for president.

"The fact of the matter is that they didn’t publish those donors so you don’t know," Lee said.