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Clinton Lawyer Cleared to Hold Potentially Classified Material

Hillary Rodham Clinton

State Department spokesperson Mark Toner said Wednesday that Hillary Clinton’s lawyer David Kendall was cleared to hold Clinton’s emails, which might contain classified material.

"The State Department has cleared with Mrs. Clinton's personal attorney to view these and to keep them at his facility, but did not turn them over to the intelligence community I.G.," Clinton said.

Kendall has a thumb drive that contains a backup of Clinton’s personal server where her emails were stored.

Toner was asked why Kendall hasn’t turned over the thumb drive over to the State Department.

"He is Former Secretary Clinton's lawyer, he is in possession of these, again, because of these, as I've tried to lay out, because of the request that he's had to preserve those documents, he has asked to hold onto those," Toner said. "So in accordance with that, we simply cleared the site where they're being held, made sure that it was a secure facility and capable of holding what could be potentially classified material."

Two inspector generals reported that some of those emails contain classified information and referred their findings to the Department of Justice to launch an investigation into Clinton’s private email account.