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Uber Introduces Its Latest Feature: De Blasio Mode

The company that revolutionized the way urban residents travel is taking on the mayor of New York City. Uber users in New York City will notice something is a little different when they open up the app on their smartphones.

You’ve probably heard of UberX, UberBlack, UberXL, and even UberCopter. But the ride-sharing service released what could be its most exciting tab yet: "De Blasio" mode.

The company founded in 2009 and operating in over 300 cities worldwide has been in a messy fight with the mayor over his proposed new bill that would cap the number of cars Uber could have on the streets.  The mayor says the new law is necessary to combat congestion, but Uber believes it is nothing more than an attempt to hurt them because taxicab unions have donated millions to de Blasio.

When switched to "De Blasio" mode, a message appears warning customers of the consequences of de Blasio’s plan the New York Post reported. Uber asserts wait times for rides will skyrocket up to 25 minutes longer if their growth is capped.

"This is what Uber will look like in NYC if Mayor de Blasio’s Uber cap bill passes. Email the Mayor and City Council. Say ‘NO’ to de Blasio’s Uber!"

The feature shows no cars available and highlights increased prices as part of their powerful and effective demonstration.

That is not the only attack Uber has launched to discredit the mayor. The company released a minute-long ad airing in New York and its suburbs that highlights the good pay and quality service the app provides.

"The public has a right to know what’s behind the Mayor’s push to cap Uber and to hear directly from real Uber drivers about the economic consequences of his proposal," an Uber spokesperson said. "The real story here is campaign contributions, not congestion."

Hillary Clinton is not a fan of the convenience Uber offers drivers and riders. In an economic policy speech on Monday, she criticized the company’s business model. Jeb Bush, on the other hand, used the ride-sharing service in San Francisco.

Obama’s 2008 campaign manager, now Uber’s chief political strategist, David Plouffe has had to consistently fight liberal cities loyal to taxicab unions such as Portland, Seattle, and Denver.

"Mayor de Blasio’s plan to stop Uber will cost 10,000 jobs, hurt underserved areas and make wait times for Uber cars skyrocket," Plouffe said in a released statement. "With this view, New York City riders can see for themselves how much time this political payback to big taxi owners will cost them."

De Blasio, who frames himself as a populist champion of the poor and middle class, has yet to comment on Uber’s creative protest.