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Coal Miners Praise New Measure Rolling Back Obama Regulation at Trump Signing

President Donald Trump invited coal miners from West Virginia to the White House for the signing of a new bill Thursday that rolls back a last-minute Obama administration regulation that stopped the coal industry from dumping waste into nearby streams.

Trump signed H.J. Resolution 38, which nullifies an Interior Department rule put in place while Barack Obama was president, as part of his declared effort to revive America's coal mining industriy.

The president signed the measure approved by both the House and Senate in the Roosevelt Room. In attendance were Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) and Republican Sens. Rand Paul (Ky.) and Shelley Moore Capito (W.Va.). Two Democratic Sens., Joe Manchin (W.Va.) and Heidi Heitkamp (N.D.), were also present, among a larger group flanking the president on either side.

"This rule we're eliminating, it's a major threat to your jobs, and we're going to get rid of that threat immediately," Trump said.

Then Trump applauded the miners attending the ceremony from West Virginia.

"So it's an honor to have everybody with us, and, in particular, the miners. We appreciate everything you've done, fellas. Thank you very much," Trump said.

Trump then called Mike Nelson, who works at the Marion County Coal Company, to the podium.

"How did I do in that area?" Trump asked.

"Oh, you did great," Nelson responded, drawing laughter and applause from the group in the room.

Congress passed H.J. Resolution 38 through the Congressional Review Act, which allows lawmakers to roll back regulations the Obama administration put in place from June through the former president's last day in office, CNN reported.

Trump is expected to work on undoing a slew of environmental regulations put in place during the Obama era.