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Geriatric Anti-Israel Activist Creeps Out on ScarJo

Scarlett Johansson

Anti-Israel activist Roger Waters has written several private letters to Scarlett Johansson in recent days to express outrage over her endorsement of the Israeli beverage company SodaStream, a company targeted by the Boycott, Sanctions, and Divestment (BDS) movement.

Waters took to his Facebook page on Saturday to lash out at the "undeniably cute actress," with whom he admitted to having been "somewhat smitten."

"In the past days I have written privately to Neil Young (once) and to Scarlett Johansson (a couple of times)," 70-year-old Waters said in a rambling 579-word Facebook post. "Sadly, I have received no reply from either."

Waters—who has emerged as an outspoken critic of Israel and Jewish people in recent years—said that he was crestfallen to learn of Johansson’s SodaStream endorsement, which has helped earn the company record breaking profits despite the protestations of BDSers.

Johansson’s support for SodaStream led the actress to end her relationship with the anti-Israel group Oxfam International.

"Scarlett? Ah, Scarlett. I met Scarlett a year or so ago, I think it was at a Cream reunion concert at MSG," Waters said in his post. "She was then, as I recall, fiercely anti-Neocon, passionately disgusted by Blackwater (Dick Cheney's private army in Iraq), you could have been forgiven for thinking that here was a young woman of strength and integrity who believed in truth, human rights, and the law and love. I confess I was somewhat smitten. There's no fool like an old fool."

Waters goes on to bemoan Johansson’s "about face."

"Scarlett's choice of Soda Stream over Oxfam is such an act of intellectual, political, and civil about face, that we, all those of us who care about the downtrodden, the oppressed, the occupied, the second class, will find it hard to rationalize," he wrote.

Oxfam has received millions of dollars in donations from the Coca-Cola Company, which directly competes with SodaStream, the Free Beacon reported on Friday.

After laying out a litany of questions riddled with factual errors, Waters pointed out that Johansson is physically attractive.

"Scarlett, you are undeniably cute, but if you think Soda Stream is building bridges towards peace you are also undeniably not paying attention," Waters wrote.

He signed the open letter, "Love, R."

Meanwhile, the anti-Israel British newspaper Daily Mail speculated over the weekend that Johansson endorsed SodaStream because she was poor as a child and wanted the company’s money.