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You People Are Idiots

I made the mistake of defending Donald Trump from charges of fascism on Twitter this weekend:


I say "mistake" because my God, you people are morons. Not all of you, obviously. But enough.

Look: I expected some pushback on this from folks on the left who would say "Well, not literally no one, because some green card holders are afraid because border agents are looking at social media." That would be a valid, if literal-minded about the use of the word "literally," critique. (Though not necessarily a correct one, since I'm not sure there's any concrete proof that criticism of Trump will get people held up so much as tweeting "Death to the infidel pig-dogs of America" or whatever.) Fine, no big deal. And there were a couple of responses like that! More frequently—far more frequently, by a factor of at least 100-to-1, if not higher—were responses like, well, this:




I could go on—and on, and on, and on—in this vein. There's no shortage of idiots with minimal control of grammar on Twitter. Fortunately, I think, a not-insignificant portion of these dimwits are, shall we say, foreign-born trolls. So, that's good, maybe.

Now, sure, sarcasm doesn't always play terribly well on the Internet. So maybe I brought this on myself. But the simple lack of reading comprehension on behalf of all the Trump supporters who are angry about this critique of Donald Trump's critics is rather stunning. I actually thought I might be hitting it a bit too on the nose by repeating the use of the word "literally."

But I needn't have worried. One should never underestimate the idiocy of the masses.

Anyway. This has been your semi-regular reminder that people who are too dumb to correctly read a sub-140 character missive have the right to vote as well. Hooray America, I guess.