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Fairer Questions for the Next Debate

It seems relatively obvious that Hillary Clinton won the debate last night. Trump hurt her early on TPP and NAFTA—her flip flop on the Trans Pacific Partnership is, simply, unbelievable—but she held her own or bested him everywhere else. Sure, she made utterly ridiculous claims like "tax cuts caused the financial crisis of 2008," but Trump was borderline incoherent in many of his answers, defended Russia and criticized NATO, failed to hurt her on her emails, got hit hard on racial bias in renting apartments, and, to top it all off, suggested levying what will almost certainly be referred to as an "Oreo Tax" for the rest of the election:

He seemed fine temperamentally—I really don't think most people mind when he interrupts her, and her efforts to rattle him on the tax issue were unsuccessful—but he also seemed off, performance-wise. The sniffing was out of control; he sounded like the allegedly coked-up accountant from Seinfeld through much of the evening. Given how much emphasis he's put on her being a frail elderly woman on death's door, it was, shall we say, not a good look. To top it all off, he spent the last portion of the debate whining like a dog about all the mean commercials she's aired.

Of course, this means he's probably going to go up four points in the polls by the end of the week.

Trump said of moderator Lester Holt "I didn't think he did a bad job." His surrogates this morning were less pleased, hitting Holt for not asking questions about Benghazi and the FBI investigation into Hillary's reckless use of a private email server.

And you know what? They're right! There are lots of tougher questions that the next moderator could ask Hillary Clinton at the next debate. I've acquired a secret internal memo from the Trump camp* with some solid questions for the next debate.

All fair questions in my opinion. When will the media stop being so biased?

*No I haven't.