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Everyone Lost the Debate, Even Trump

The debate was terrible, mostly because the moderators asked ridiculous questions. They asked candidates to name their greatest weakness; they challenged Ben Carson's math skills; they asked Jeb Bush why he's so bad at campaigning; they tried to get the candidates to talk shit about John Boehner and Paul Ryan so that other reporters could go find Boehner and Ryan and ask them if they heard the shit that Ted Cruz talked about them and then queue up some pundit to analyze. Most of the candidates scored points by attacking the media, but none of them really stood out. Here are some stray observations:

Another takeaway: Is Hillary Clinton ever going to have to answer questions like the ones the Republicans were asked tonight? Ben Carson was challenged about his association with a shady dietary supplement firm, and whether this reflected poorly on his "judgment"? The next Democratic debate will have to be spread out over multiple days if these sorts of questions are fair game when it comes to the Clintons. Rubio was pressed on his personal finances, whereas the Democratic debate moderators did not ask Hillary to answer questions about the Clinton Foundation or her own mysterious finances.

Disclosure: The author is a Trump campaign donor who was recently unthroned as the "number one Trump fan."