Free Beacon Patrick Howley

Patrick Howley is a staff writer for the Washington Free Beacon. A former assistant editor at the American Spectator, he studied English at the University of Iowa and wrote a series of award-winning plays in Los Angeles. He originally hails from Connecticut.

Heinrich Disavows Cap and Trade Vote

Democratic New Mexico Senate candidate Martin Heinrich says cap-and-trade is ‘not feasible’ despite supporting 2009 House bill

August 14, 2012

Mass Attack

State affiliate of George Soros-backed Democracy Alliance targets Sen. Scott Brown

August 10, 2012

The Doomsday Device Tax

New Mexico Dem Senate candidate Martin Heinrich misleads with defense of medical device tax

August 9, 2012

King of the Wind

Former Maine governor and ‘independent’ Senate candidate made the most of alt-energy bill he signed into law

August 3, 2012

Casey Strikes Out Looking

Pennsylvania Democratic Senator Bob Casey’s streak of unsuccessful legislation extends more than five years

August 2, 2012

King’s Dominion

Fiscal record of ‘Independent’ Maine senate candidate under attack

August 1, 2012

The King of All Media

Maine ‘independent’ Senate candidate Angus King Protected by Maine-Stream Media, Insiders Say

July 31, 2012

Uh-Oh, Hirono

Democratic congressman’s Hawaii Senate campaign faces tough primary challenge, criticism for being out-of-touch

July 24, 2012

Sherrod Brown’s Coal Assault

Ohio Dem Senator voted for anti-coal regulation despite acknowledging jobs impact

July 12, 2012

Berkley’s Betrayal

Democrat Congresswoman votes against jobs bill she co-sponsored to placate Green lobby

July 2, 2012